Classes 傳統的 Javascript 使用 function 加上 protyotype-based
來繼承建立元件,但是這樣的機制對程式開發者習慣 Object-oriented
的感覺很尷尬, ECMAScript 2015
與 ECMAScript6
中允許開發者使用 object-oriented class-based approach
Basic Classes 最基本的 class-based 範例
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 class Greeter { greeting : string ; constructor (messaage : string ){ this .greeting = message; } greet ( ){ return "Hello, " + this .greeting ; } } let greeter = new Greeter ("world" );
這樣的程式對 C# 或是 Java 的開發者應該會比較親切,
宣告了一個新的 class Greeter
,這個 class 中有一個屬性是 greeting
constructor 和 greet
看到有一個關鍵字 this.
之後可以呼叫這個 class 的屬性
繼承 在 TypeScript
中可以直接使用 object-oriented patterns
,當然也可以建立一個 class 做繼承的動作,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 class Animnal { name : string ; constructor (theName : string ) { this .name = theName; } move (distanceInMeters : number = 0 ) { console .log (`${this .name} moved ${distanceInMeters} ` ); } } class Snake extends Animnal { constructor (name : string ) { super (name); } move (distanceInMeters = 5 ) { console .log ("Slithering..." ); super .move (distanceInMeters); } } class Horse extends Animnal { constructor (name : string ) { super (name); } move (distanceInMeters = 45 ) { console .log ("Galloping..." ); super .move (distanceInMeters); } } let sam = new Snake ("Sammy the Python" );let tom : Animnal = new Horse ("Tommy the Palomino" );sam.move (); tom.move (34 );
上述範例中以 extends
這個關鍵字來建立一個子類, Horse
和 Snake
是繼承在 class Animal
在子類中的 constructor 必須使用 super()
這將會執行父類的 constructor
這個範例也示範了如何覆寫父類的 Function
在 Snake
和 Horse
都有建立一個 move
的 Function
來覆寫過 Animal
的 move
1 2 3 4 Slithering... Sammy the Python moved 5 m. Galloping... Tommy the Palomino moved 34 m.
Public, private 和 protected modifiers public by default 在我們的範例中可以自由地宣告屬性,但在其他語言(C#) 需要使用 public
但是在 TypeScript
中 public
但是你也可以使用 public
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 class Animal { public name : string ; public constructor (theName : string ){ this .name = theName; } public move (distanceInMeters : number ){ console .log (`${this .name} moved ${distanceInMeters} m.` ); } }
了解 private 當某個屬性使用 private
1 2 3 4 5 6 class Animal { private name : string ; constructor (theName : string ) { this .name = theName; } } new Animal ("Cat" ).name ;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 class Animal { private name : string ; constructor (theName : string ) { this .name = theName; } } class Rhino extends Animal { constructor ( ) { super ("Rhino" ); } } class Employee { private name : string ; constructor (theName : string ) { this .name = theName; } } let animal = new Animal ("Goat" );let rhino = new Rhino ();let employee = new Employee ("Bob" );animal = rhino; animal = employee;
然而當兩個類別在比較的時候如果擁有 private
和 protected
屬性, 除非他們所這個 private
和 protected
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 class Animal { private name : string ; constructor (theName : string ){ = theName; } } class Rhino extends Animal { constructor ( ){ super ("Rhino" ); } } class Employee { private name : string ; constructor (theName : string ){ this .name = theName; } } let animal = new Animal ("Goat" );let rhino = new Rhino ();let employee = Employee ("Bob" );animal = rhino; animal = employee;
在這個範例中我們有 Animal
和 Rhino
兩個 class, Rhino
是 Animal
另外也有一個 Employee
他看起來和 Animal
十分相似,都有一個 private name: string
因為 Rhino
是繼承 Animal
所以 Animal
實體化後可以 assign 給 Rhino
代表他們是相容的,而 Employee
即使有一樣的 private name: string
了解 protected protected
和 private
很相似,只是當你宣告為 protected
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 class Person { protected name : string ; constructor (name : string ) { this .name = name; } } class Employee extends Person { private department : string ; constructor (name : string , department : string ) { super (name); this .department = department; } public getElevatorPitch ( ) { return `Hello, my name is ${this .name} and I work in ${this .department} .` ; } } let howard = new Employee ("Howard" , "Sales" );console .log (howard.getElevatorPitch ());
我們沒辦法直接呼叫 name
但是可以透過 Employee
instance method 來使用,因為 Employee
繼承自 Person
我們也可以將 constructor
宣告為 protected
這代表這個 class 只能用來繼承,而無法直接產生 instance
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 class Person { protected name : string ; protected constructor (theName : string ) { this .name = theName; } } class Employee extends Person { private department : string ; constructor (name : string , department : string ) { super (name); this .department = department; } public getElevatorPitch ( ) { return `Hello, my name is ${this .name} and I work in ${this .department} .` ; } } let howard = new Employee ("Howard" , "Sales" );
Readonly modifier 你可以宣告某些參數或變數是 readonly
使用 readonly
這個關鍵字來宣告,但是必須在初始化或是在 constructor 的時候進行宣告
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 class Octopus { readonly name : string ; readonly numberOfLegs : number = 8 ; constructor (theName : string ){ this .name = theName; } } let dad = new Octopus ('Man with the 8 strong legs' );
Accessors TypeScript
支援 getters/setters 去對 Object
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 class Employee { fulllName : string ; } let employee = new Employee ();employee.fullName = 'Bob Smith' ; if (employee.fullName ){ console .log (employee.fullName ); }
我們希望使用者是有足夠的安全性,所以使用 private
宣告 fullName
然後允許使用 set
來對 fullName
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 let passcode = 'secret passcode' ;class Employee { private _fulllName : string ; get fullName (): string { return this ._fullName ; } set fullName (newName : string ){ if (passcode && passcode === 'secret passcode' ){ this ._fulllName = newName; }else { console .log ("Error: Unauthorized update of employee!" ); } } } let employee = new Employee ();employee.fullName = "Bob Smith" ; if (employee.fullName ) { console .log (employee.fullName ); }
command line
1 $ tsc -t ES5 ./Accessors.ts
因為必須要指定 ECMAScript 5
以上才可以使用 Accessors
如果你只有設定 get
而沒有設定 set
代表這個屬性是 readonly
Static Properties 在這個部分我們討論的是實體的屬性,也是靜態屬性,實體的屬性,也是靜態屬性,這個屬性只能在 class 中取得,而無法被繼承
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 class Grid { static origin = { x : 0 , y : 0 }; calculateDistanceFromOrigin (point : { x: number ; y: number } ) { let xDist = point.x - Grid .origin .x ; let yDist = point.y - Grid .origin .y ; return Math .sqrt (xDist * xDist + yDist * yDist) / this .scale ; } constructor (public scale : number ) {} } let grid1 = new Grid (1.0 ); let grid2 = new Grid (5.0 ); console .log (grid1.calculateDistanceFromOrigin ({ x : 10 , y : 10 }));console .log (grid2.calculateDistanceFromOrigin ({ x : 10 , y : 10 }));
抽象類別 抽象類別就像之前的類別一樣,也許不需要實體化,使用 abstract
1 2 3 4 5 6 abstract class Animal { abstract makeSound (): void ; move (): void { console .log ("roaming the earth.." ); } }
中的函式並不會並不會包含在實體,也一定會使用 abstract
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 abstract class Department { constructor (public name : string ){ } printName ():void { console .log ("Department name: " + this .name ); } abstract printMeeting ():void ; } class AccountingDepartment extends Department { constructor ( ){ super ("Accounting and Auditing" ); } printMeeting ():void { console .log ("The Accounting Department meets each Monday at 10am." ); } generateReports ():void { console .log ("Generating accounting reports..." ); } } let department : Department ; department = new AccountingDepartment (); department.printName (); department.printMeeting ();
抽象類別無法直接使用 new
Advanced Techniques constructor function 在 TypeScript
中宣告一個 class 的時候,其實你已經同時執行了多個宣告
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 class Greeter { greeting : string ; constructor (message : string ){ this .greeting = message; } greet ( ){ return "Hello, " + this .greeting ; } } let greeter : Greeter ;greeter = new Greeter ("world" ); console .log (greeter.greet ());
上述範例中當 let greeter: Greeter
我們將會使用 Greeter
類別的 instance
賦予 class Greeter
當我們使用 new
這個關鍵字來實體化的時候,便會執行 constructor 轉譯之後的結果如下
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 let Greeter = (function ( ) { function Greeter (message ) { this .greeting = message; } Greeter .prototype .greet = function ( ) { return "Hello, " + this .greeting ; }; return Greeter ; })(); let greeter;greeter = new Greeter ("world" ); console .log (greeter.greet ());
在 let Greeter
就會準備指定給 constructor,而看到接下來的 new
關鍵字並且開始執行 constructor 就會取得一個藉由 Gretter
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 class Greeter { static standardGreeting = "Hello, there" ; greeting : string ; greet ( ) { if (this .greeting ) { return "Hello, " + this .greeting ; } else { return Greeter .standardGreeting ; } } } let greeter1 : Greeter ;greeter1 = new Greeter (); console .log (greeter1.greet ());let greeterMaker : typeof Greeter = Greeter ;let greeter2 : Greeter = new greeterMaker ();console .log (greeter2.greet ());console .log (greeter1.greet ());greeterMaker.standardGreeting = "Hey there!" ; console .log (greeter2.greet ());console .log (greeter1.greet ());
在這個範例中我們在 Greeter
宣告了一個靜態的屬性 standardGreeting
並且給予值 Hello, there
第一步驟跟之前的範例一樣,利用 Greeter
產生了一個物件是 greeter1
然後將他的類別 assign 給 greeterMaker
並且修改了他的 standardGreeting
為 Hey there!
之後再由 greeterMaker
產生一個 greeter2 當它的 greet()
執行的時候產生的字串卻是 Hey there!
而且此時我再次執行 greeter1.greet()
的時候得到的卻也是 Hey there!
也就是當我們 可以利用 這樣的方式統一管理一個靜態屬性也會互相繼承靜態屬性