ReasonReact 也有類似 ReactJS 的生命週期
didMount: self => unit
willReceiveProps: self => state
shouldUpdate: oldAndNewSelf => bool
willUpdate: oldAndNewSelf => unit
didUpdate: oldAndNewSelf => unit
willUnmount: self => unit
- 移除了所有
需要回傳的是 state 預設是假設你每次都要修改狀態,不然也可以直接回傳 state
, willUnmount
和 willUpdate
不可以修改 state
- 不支援
請用 didMount
, willUpdate
和 shouldUpdate
的 input 是 oldAndNewSelf record
, 類型是 {oldSelf: self, newSelf: self}
如果你真的在 lifecycle 中修改 state
, 請發一個 Action self.send(DidMountUpdate)
ReactJS 中有時會使用到 prevProps(componentDidUpdate)
或是 nextProps(componentWillUpdate)
這類的 API
但是 ReasonReact 中沒有這個部分, 則是要使用 retainedProps
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| type item = { title: string, completed: bool };
type retainedProps = {message: string};
module TodoItem = { let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponentWithRetainedProps("TodoItem"); let make = (~item, ~message, _children) => { ...component, retainedProps: {message: message}, didUpdate: ({oldSelf, newSelf}) => { if (oldSelf.retainedProps.message !== newSelf.retainedProps.message) { Js.log("props `message` changed!") } }, render: (_self) => <div className="item"> <input checked=(item.completed) /* TODO make interactive */ /> (ReasonReact.string(item.title)) </div> }; };
type state = {items: list(item)};
type action = | AddItem;
let component = ReasonReact.reducerComponent("TodoApp");
let newItem = () => {title: "Click a button", completed: true};
let make = (_children) => { ...component, initialState: () => { items: [ {title: "Write some things to do", completed: false} ] }, reducer: (action, {items}) => switch action { | AddItem => ReasonReact.Update({items: [newItem(), ...items]}) }, render: (self) => { let numItems = List.length(self.state.items); <div className="app"> <div className="title"> (ReasonReact.string("What to do")) <button onClick=(_event => self.send(AddItem))> (ReasonReact.string("Add something")) </button> </div> <div className="items"> ( self.state.items |> => <TodoItem item />) |> Array.of_list |> ReasonReact.array ) </div> <div className="items"> (ReasonReact.string("Nothing")) </div> <div className="footer"> (ReasonReact.string(string_of_int(numItems) ++ " items")) </div> </div> } };
ReasonReact 提供了 ReasonReact.statelessComponentWithRetainedProps
和 ReasonReact.reducerComponentWithRetainedProps
這兩個方法只是讓你的 make
函數中可以多一個 retainedProps
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| type item = { title: string, completed: bool };
type retainedProps = {message: string};
module TodoItem = { let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponentWithRetainedProps("TodoItem"); let make = (~item, ~message, _children) => { ...component, retainedProps: {message: message}, willReceiveProps: (self) => { if (self.retainedProps.message === message) { Js.log("willReceiveProps"); }; }, didUpdate: ({oldSelf, newSelf}) => { if (oldSelf.retainedProps.message !== newSelf.retainedProps.message) { Js.log("props `message` changed!") } }, render: (_self) => <div className="item"> <input checked=(item.completed) /* TODO make interactive */ /> (ReasonReact.string(item.title)) </div> }; };
type state = {items: list(item)};
type action = | AddItem;
let component = ReasonReact.reducerComponent("TodoApp");
let newItem = () => {title: "Click a button", completed: true};
let make = (_children) => { ...component, initialState: () => { items: [ {title: "Write some things to do", completed: false} ] }, reducer: (action, {items}) => switch action { | AddItem => ReasonReact.Update({items: [newItem(), ...items]}) }, render: (self) => { let numItems = List.length(self.state.items); <div className="app"> <div className="title"> (ReasonReact.string("What to do")) <button onClick=(_event => self.send(AddItem))> (ReasonReact.string("Add something")) </button> </div> <div className="items"> ( self.state.items |> => <TodoItem item />) |> Array.of_list |> ReasonReact.array ) </div> <div className="items"> (ReasonReact.string("Nothing")) </div> <div className="footer"> (ReasonReact.string(string_of_int(numItems) ++ " items")) </div> </div> } };
ReactJS 的 componentWillUpdate
中的參數 nextProps
是 make
而現在的 props (this.props)
是上面的 retainedProps,可以透過
ReactJS 的 prevProps 可以透過 retainedProps
拿到,需要使用 oldSelf
和 ReactJS 的 shouldComponentUpdate